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A development workflow tool for working with AWS CloudFormation.

rain build

Create CloudFormation templates


The build command interacts with the CloudFormation registry to list types, output schema files, and build starter CloudFormation templates containing the named resource types.

rain build [<resource type>] or <prompt>


  -b, --bare                 Produce a minimal template, omitting all optional resource properties
      --debug                Output debugging information
  -h, --help                 help for build
  -j, --json                 Output the template as JSON (default format: YAML)
  -l, --list                 List all CloudFormation resource types with an optional name prefix
      --model string         The ID of the Bedrock model to use for --prompt. Shorthand: claude2, claude3haiku, claude3sonnet, claude3opus, claude3.5sonnet (default "claude2")
      --no-cache             Do not used cached schema files
      --omit-patches         Omit patches and use the raw schema
      --only-cache           Only use cached schema files
  -o, --output string        Output to a file
      --pkl-class            Output a pkl class based on a resource type schema
  -p, --profile string       AWS profile name; read from the AWS CLI configuration file
      --prompt               Generate a template using Bedrock and a prompt
      --prompt-lang string   The language to target for --prompt, CloudFormation YAML (cfn), CloudFormation Guard (guard), Open Policy Agent Rego (rego) (default "cfn")
      --recommend            Output a recommended architecture for the chosen use case
  -r, --region string        AWS region to use
  -s, --schema               Output the raw un-patched registry schema for a resource type

Options inherited from parent commands

      --no-colour   Disable colour output


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 10-Jan-2025